Hair Free Remover & Retardant
Permanant hair removal for the needs of transgender and transsexual community
May 2015 new stock just in

FAQs How to use Hair Free
HairFree is a simple wipe-on-wipe-off hair removal cream that is easy to apply.
Sue Says: We came across this product form a posting in TV chixs forum. The TGirl Susan A was so impressed as she gave it a thorough testing and was really impressed by the results. From this we at Lacies thought we MUST get this product and so we have and we have tested it and found it does work. Though you need to persevere with it miracles only happen in films and religion !!
How to Use
Follow these 4 simple steps to permanently get rid of unwanted hair
Make sure the area to be treated is dry and free from grease, and lose, flaky, skin. Squeeze the tube until cream appears. Smooth a small layer of HairFree onto an area of hair covered skin. As an example, if you are removing upper lip hair you can cover the whole area. If you are removing a larger area such as a mans chest, you can cover an area up to the size of a credit card. The thickness of the cream should be about the same thickness as a credit card.
Leave for 4 / 5 minutes for the cream to penetrate to the hair follicle. Do not rub in.
Leave for 4 5 minutes for the cream to penetrate to the hair follicle. Use the scraper blade to wipe off the excess product.
Repeat this procedure on adjoining skin until full area has been treated. Repeat once a week for the next four or five weeks or until hair growth has thinned and ceased completely. Periodic maintenance treatments may be necessary if signs of re-growth appear.
Q How much skin area will one tube treat?
Ans How much HairFree will you need? This will vary from user to user depending upon: Which part of the body you are treating Hair density Body size Hair thickness
The following guide will help you decide how much HairFree you need to order. Remember that 4 to 5 applications, at weekly intervals are required to completely halt hair growth.
Try HairFree and start the process of total hair removal with this Starter Pack of ONE tube. Sufficient product to treat 3 areas with 4 / 6 applications.
2 TUBE MULTI-PACK + 1 FREE! = 3 tubes
Ideal for WOMEN OR MEN OR TGIRLS who need to treat multiple areas. Eliminate hair in up to 7 with 4 to 6 applications. Extra tube for stray hairs & maintenance.
3 TUBE MULTI-PACK + 1 FREE = 4 tubes
Ideal for MEN who need to treat large areas such as chest and back. Or women with thich, dark hair who may need to use more product. Get rid of hair in up to 10 areas. Good for 4 to 6 applications. Extra tube for stray hairs and maintenance.